Visual Guide to E-numbers: E100 Series—Colours

I love making graphics. This latest one is part of a series called “Visual Guide to E-numbers”. I’ve made two versions of this graphic, and this is the first.

Visual Guide to E-Numbers
Click to download large JPEG version

We can see that most E-number colourings are red or yellow. Most of the lower numbers are worse for our health (azo dyes), while the higher numbers tend to be healthier (e.g. plant extracts), but this isn’t a fixed rule. The very last few aren’t edible—they’re used in lipsticks and suncreams.

Comments are welcome as always.

5 thoughts on “Visual Guide to E-numbers: E100 Series—Colours

  1. Just found this. Its too bad you didn’t continue with info-graphics of other E-numbers (sweeteners, conservatives…). Fascinating stuff. Thank you.


      1. We understand. I hope you find the time and courage to continue.
        Your work informs others. That information educates people!

        Best regards from Belgium


  2. Thanks for this. it will be very useful to me as an aspiring entrepreneur looking into food manufacturing. Meanwhile, I am not able to find the 2nd version of the E number chart. Please can you share, if you have it.

    Thanks a lot and Best regards.


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